Thinking how to document my notes

Yes, I know it's a classic programmer cliche "I don't like the current solutions, I'll create a new and better one" however, it's what I really feel.

Every day on my computer I try to take notes about new technologies that I'm learning and sometimes I think that those notes can be useful for someone, that is why I've thought many times to share those notes in documentation format.

When I started programming, many people told me "look in the official documentation for your questions" but for someone new to this area, the official documentation can be intimidating and sometimes confusing, causing the opposite effect for what it was created for.

The above has been changing over the years, there are many good examples of this, however, many times these examples are not open source and the one that are, try to imitate what I dislike about bad documentation.

Maybe it's time to start working on some proposals.

I will show updates on this in the following days.