The first project in the portfolio

After having created my website, the next step is start creating projects for my portfolio, however, I think there is a problem thay I have to solve first.

When a Frontend developer starts a new project, it is usally necessary to decide what technologies to use, necessary libraries, eslint configutation, prettier etc.

All the above is a monotonous and even tedius process, and many times we have to repeat this process every time we start a new project, that is whay I would like to create a boilerplate (template) for the project thay I am going to build.

At the moment, I will start creating a boilerplate for typescript (without any library or framework like React, Svelte or Vue) eventually I would like to create another boilerplate for React

Before I get started with the basic setup of the project, I will investigate how to create a good README.MD file.

I've found several articles about that subject, tomorrow I'll share my progress.