2023 my study plan as a developer

These days I have been thinking in what technologies or topics I should focus on this year to my study plan as a developer, int the end I decided that I would only focus in two areas, algorithms and frontend technologies.

The topic of algorithms is something that always interested me, but I have never focused on a study plan or a constant routine to learn them, that's why I will focus most of my time on this topic, posting here the topics to study and the algorithms that I've made. In the end I would like to create a comprendium of everything I did in a year and post it to a URL so anyone can see my notes.

In the frontend area, I will be developing the largest number of challenges of the frontend mentor platform, to practice and learn knowledge in the area. For this case I will be creating a repository on github where I will publish my progress and be able to show the final result.

Before I get started with this study plan, I will be reviewing this of free code camp video by Kevin Powell and his way of implement a design system in CSS.